Someone pinch me ! I'm still in disbelief that we've finally reopened! Thank you immensely to each and every one of you for staying connected and, most importantly, for patiently awaiting our relaunch. It's truly heartwarming to once again, have the opportunity to share my formulations and candle designs with the world.

To kick things off, allow me to introduce the new, yet familiar, Gichagi Collection, an embodiment of the warmth of the African culture experienced during mealtime, with the beauty of enamelware. The Gichagi collection, is such a familiar but rare find and I am changing that! Did you know? I'd wager Ksh. 5,000 that three in every five people have used a Gichagi cup but do not own one. This timeless collection is available in five staple scents and packed in five vibrant gichagi cups,to fit each personality and now, you have no excuse but to own one.

Oh! before I forget, this is the Mjine Community, a scent space that I have created, in order to foster connections with you, our customers, share candle tips, highlight new product launches, share African stories as well as our brand story and values.  

I can't wait for you guys to see what we have in store!

With love,

Flavian Taria,

The Candle Lady.